The Charleston
Born out of the tragedy at Mother Emanuel A.M.E. Church, The Charleston Forum began in 2016 as a group of local political, business, educational and religious leaders who wanted to provide an outlet to discuss race across many different topics. Along with panels throughout the year, The Forum hosts its annual event each June as part of the Mother Emmanuel commemoration and has welcomed over 40 local and national speakers and more than 1,800 participants.
To refresh an already-existing site and breathe new life into it with an updated site map, specifically-curated content, and entirely new page layouts.
- Build upon an established brand with additional color schemes and graphics and create a site that naturally flows from one page to the next.
- Create an approachable and friendly site that also carries the weight, importance, and hope of the non-profit and its mission.
Our approach was to create an e-commerce site with a personality and a knowledge base for people that want to learn more about CBD and its benefits. The site features original photography of product and the farm where the plants are harvested.

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