LinkedIn is becoming an advertiser’s best friend

LinkedIn is more than just a tool for professional networking and job seeking. The platform is also great for businesses looking to increase revenue.

Sponsored content has a valuable home within LinkedIn. This is thanks to recent changes made by the company that lead to “higher quality” clicks. LinkedIn is  focusing on helping businesses achieve their marketing goals. So what has changed and how can you maximize to your company’s benefit?

Campaign management:

One key change LinkedIn recently made to advertising campaigns is through mobile ads. When mobile users click on the “see more” option, ads with longer copy will now display the full text. This option previously sent users to a landing page or a lead generation form.
This change will allow for greater accuracy in your ability to measure campaign success. Click-through rates will now only reflect users who intend to follow a link within a digital advertisement.

Monitor success through Google integration:

Google Campaign Manager now accesses LinkedIn ad performance. The integration allows you to monitor ad success alongside other channels you might be using Campaign Manager to track. It can be very useful to compare your LinkedIn advertisement performance to your other paid campaigns.
Check out LinkedIn’s announcement post to find instructions for enabling Google Campaign Manager integration for your advertisements.

Carousel ads:

LinkedIn recently introduced Sponsored Content carousel ads. These advertising units can contain multiple pieces of sponsored content. A single carousel ad can feature up to 10 scrolling cards, allowing for a variety of visuals to engage your audience. Measure clicks and impressions individually by each card, so that you can see which visuals and stories work best. More than 300 advertisers tested the carousel Sponsored Content service and nearly 75%  saw a higher click-through rate than standard campaigns.

Targeted advertising:

A personalized experience is great for audiences, but privacy is just as important. Facebook has built a reputation for saving user’s personal information to generate highly targeted advertisements. While targeted ads can be great for your business, privacy concerns will turn your audience away. Testing users’ trust has led to a decrease in Facebook’s ad revenue.

User data privacy is not taken as lightly at LinkedIn, and audiences are beginning to understand that. Facebook confirmed that two-factor authentication stores phone numbers and then uses them in targeted ads. LinkedIn does not follow this practice.

LinkedIn’s ad targeting is only based on user’s actions and public information. Third-party data is not used in targeted ads. Easing the concerns of users will go a long way toward engaging them with your ads. A positive impression from your audience leads to increased ad revenue.


Want to explore more social advertising? Learn why Snapchat could be a good fit for your business.

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